Logo of NY Ann Sullivan -White Plains

NY Ann Sullivan -White Plains

Fundraising • Bronx, New York

With Terri Lynn Fundraising


Our top quality ingredients are every bakers dream! These are the perfect elements to make your favorite recipes. Every purchase supports NY Ann Sullivan -White Plains in Bronx, New York.

Terri Lynn Product - Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves

Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves

$19.25 (1 lb. Bag)  • Natural

Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves
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Terri Lynn Product - Fancy Pecan Pieces

Fancy Pecan Pieces

$17.50 (1 lb. Bag)  • Natural

Fancy Pecan Pieces
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Terri Lynn Product - Light Walnuts Halves and Pieces

Light Walnuts Halves and Pieces

$14.35 (1 lb. Bag)

Light Walnuts Halves and Pieces
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Terri Lynn Product - Black Walnut Pieces

Black Walnut Pieces

$22.00 (1 lb. Bag)  • Medium Broken

Black Walnut Pieces
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Raise Money for Your Group, All Year Long

Terri Lynn Fundraising helps you raise money fast with a FREE, personalized webstore just for your group. There are no sellers required. There is no order taking or product to distribute, and there's no cost to your organization.